Welcome to Global Women Community for international and expat women.
It's time to rise and shine together!
You live in a foreign country and a difficult moment is here again?
Downolad these 5 Easy Steps to feel better and grounded right now!

I'm here to help put you back on track.
Perhaps you've lost your way in the whirlwind of motherhood, juggling work commitments, relocating, or putting others' needs before your own. Your clear vision may have become blurry, and you may have set aside your dreams in the process.
It’s time to get to know the Real You.
It’s time to start creating the life you really want to live!
It’s OK to want MORE for yourself.
And it's OK not to be alone with it. Me and other members of the MORE! Club are here for you.
You will go through massive life makeover. But the magic is to do it wise and smart. You are safe here. We’ll take the holistic approach and work with your everyday reality, energetically and spiritually too.
You get practical stuff for your own practice, we will work individually and also as a part of our MORE! Club for women like you!
You deserve all that you’ve been longing for! Deeper inner calm, steady health, more joy, meaningful relationships or sense of life purpose.
As Vera once told me, letting go creates space for new opportunities, and indeed, it has proven true. I've found love with someone who shares my vision for growth and fulfillment, and each day, I wake up with gratitude and excitement for the future. The heavy pressure to prove myself at work has disappeared, replaced by a sense of ease and confidence.
Darja Sebova

About me
I’m transformational coach, energy healer and spiritual guide for international women and all global thinking souls. I'm an influencer of a new way of life. I shift the perspective. From chaos and worry, I lead women towards a new sense of fulfilment, inner stability and everyday joy.
I love to connect women together. There is so much power in community. We all need it, right? That's why I created MORE! Life Makover Club of Women. We can heal, learn and grow together.
I'm an expat woman too. In the past 10 years I've lived in Prague, Shanghai, Montreal and Berlin. With my Slovak-Canadian husband we have 3 wonderful kids, all of which were born in a different country!
I celebrate my Slavic roots and embrace wisdom and intuitive spiritual female gifts of our nations. I can feel you. I have visions and can work with energy. And I love writing and sharing thoughts, reading and travelling of course!
It will be honour for me to get to know you too!
Dive into Bench Talks - inspiring series of international women overcoming difficulties. Now on Youtube and Spotify
Get encouraged by my own journey of my transformation in this epizode of Personal Evolution Unlimited podcast
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